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369 Dupont Street
Toronto, ON, M5R 1V9


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Construction Logistics: Parking

Ruth Goodwin

Parking. Oh, parking. An integral component for construction logistics (especially in urban settings), but oh, so annoying. Although parking may seem like a trivial part of construction logistics, having adequate parking may be more important than you think.

The obvious benefit of having adequate parking is that your team isn’t left to their own devices to find secure and affordable spaces. Providing the benefit of free parking for your team would boost morale and provide for a more enjoyable work experience.

Providing parking can also help you cut costs. Making sure your team is onsite and on time is essential as even a 10-minute delay can compound into much greater costs for the employer. Providing a safe and reliable parking option that your team can use would eliminate the risk of your team wasting time having to look for parking or having to park far away from the site.

Offering off-site parking also allows for a safer experience for the team. Often, the site is used as a laydown space for raw materials and heavy machinery so having people park onsite can increase the chances of a workplace mishap or injury. Providing off-site parking would allow you to use the site strictly for work and laydown space as opposed to a place where people and normal cars can congregate.

Parking is an important part of construction logistics, but it’s often not a priority and is annoying to deal with. However, companies such as simplify the process and manage all parking, payments, shuttles, and other mobility needs. They work directly with your budget and come up with a custom mobility plan that really works. The best part is that they don’t charge anything for this service (other than the monthly parking rate of course). They earn their money via real estate partners when they generate parking revenue for them.

Or if you’d rather just deal with a lot directly, companies such as or prioritize providing affordable spaces and make it easy for you to book a parking lot near your next project. It’s as easy as inserting your project address on their map, booking the space, and your good to go!

So… what’re you waiting for? Book parking for you next project today!