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369 Dupont Street
Toronto, ON, M5R 1V9


The blog of WhereiPark

5 Reasons Why You Should Use WhereiPark


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5 Reasons Why You Should Use WhereiPark

Ruth Goodwin

Are you on the hunt for long term parking? Looking for an affordable and safe solution to your commute? Well, WhereiPark has created an experience that can bring just that.

Our platform offers the easiest way to book affordable and convenient parking spaces on a monthly basis, whether it is needed for 3 months, a year, or even indefinitely.

Here are five reasons why WhereiPark can work for you:


WhereiPark offers affordable parking options that just simply aren’t available anywhere else. We’ve developed a network of exclusive spaces by partnering with non-traditional parking assets so that you pay non-traditional prices!


WhereiPark offers monthly parking which means you no longer have to worry about feeding the meter or paying for daily/weekly parking. Instead we offer a subscription model, where you’re charged automatically every month, but can cancel whenever you need.

Safety First

WhereiPark lots are safe. The whole process is online which means limited contact with people and machines and our lots are well-lit, often access-controlled, and reserved.

Exclusive and Extensive

WhereiPark has an extensive, exclusive network of parking spaces across Canada and the United States. Multifamily communities, offices, hotels, public garages and driveways - we offer a wide net of solutions that get you closer to where you need to be. Whether you are worried about finding a space near your work, near your home or for your fleet of vehicles, you can count on us to find the proper solution for you.


WhereiPark offers flexible long term parking. Rather than a year-lease, all of our lots are rented on a month to month basis and only have a minimum commitment of 2-months. Additionally, WhereiPark provides flex parking for offices that have a hybrid work schedule.

WhereiPark is secure, affordable, and easy-to-use!

If you have more questions regarding our process feel free to take a look at our FAQ’s if you’d like to book a space feel free to contact us or book directly at

Looking for a parking space for yourself or your team?
Contact us today!

Book parking today!

Author:  Sam Robins is a Business Development Specialist at WhereiPark. He specializes in working with multifamily property owners to help them create a new stream of ancillary revenue via their underutilized parking assets. He’s worked with some of the nation’s largest multifamily companies such as Avalon Bay, Greystar, Essex, Equity Residential, Bozzutto, and more.