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369 Dupont Street
Toronto, ON, M5R 1V9


The blog of WhereiPark


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WhereiPark Plants Over 1000 Trees in Haiti

Ruth Goodwin


Earlier this year, we partnered with One Tree Planted to support global reforestation efforts, raise awareness about the importance of ecosystem, create social impact by providing jobs, and empower our consumers with sustainable actions! We’re excited to announce that we’ve planted over 1000 trees in Haiti.

We decided to plant trees in Haiti because reforestation is a major challenge for Haiti. Centuries of over-farming and poor agricultural methods have destroyed the region’s soil. Erosion makes it very difficult to grow food, and dramatically increases the impact of natural disasters. Planting trees here will help restore nutrients to the soil and teach local farmers how to use the land responsibly and profitably.Top of Form

WhereiPark cares deeply about creating a business that gives back to nature and we’re excited to be able to announce our first tree planting initiative!