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369 Dupont Street
Toronto, ON, M5R 1V9


The blog of WhereiPark


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Parking in the Summer Sun!

Ruth Goodwin

The summer is a busy time for Canadians.

Torontonians are gearing up for the Pan Am Games, Calgarians are shining their spurs for the Calgary Stampede and thousands will be rolling into Montreal for the 10th anniversary of Osheaga. Needless to say, our major cities are expecting visitors this summer!

So what’s a better way to greet these newcomers, than renting them your parking spot?

Listing a parking spot you have access to is an incredible way to make extra money you didn’t even know you had. And there are many ways to do it! Get excited for our upcoming piece about the various ways to rent parking online and in the meantime check out for a chance to earn up to $300 extra a month renting with us across Canada’s major cities!