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Toronto, ON, M5R 1V9


The blog of WhereiPark

5 ways to stay safe when returning to your parking spot


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5 ways to stay safe when returning to your parking spot

Ruth Goodwin

At WhereiPark we're all about safety. Here are some quick tips to follow to ensure your safety when returning to your car: 

1. When leaving your car, always double-check that your doors are locked, and your windows are closed. No matter where you leave your car you should always ensure that it's properly secured.
2. Be aware of your surroundings and prepared when approaching your car. Have your keys in an easy access spot, and try your best to be aware of other people in the lot and where they are. 

3. Check your back seat before getting into your car.  Make sure that no one has snuck into your car, and that nothing has been tampered with. 
4. Store all valuables out of sight. It's best to take your valuables with you, but if you must store them in your car, your trunk is the best spot for them.  

5. Try to have someone accompany you to your car.  If it's late at night, or you're not feeling secure for any reason, ask a colleague or friend to accompany you to your car and then drive them to their destination.