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The whereipark guide to holiday parking

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Here we are at the end of another year. 2021 had its own troubles but at least wasn’t the relentless nightmare of the year before. With November (October for Canadians) over, we’re done Giving Thanks for that and can move on to our mostly joyous December holiday of choice. As everyone knows — if they celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Festivus, or just enjoy the yearly drama over Starbucks cups — one thing about the holidays is exhausting even without worrying about the Omicron variant: parking. Whether heading to a party in a snowy neighborhood, doing some last-minute gift shopping, or leaving your car near the airport for a trip back home, long searches and raw nerves can lead to a stressful (or sometimes even tragic) experience.

Safe Parking Tips for the Holiday Season

This December, we thought we’d share some safe parking tips for drivers and people who sympathize with drivers. To stay in the holiday spirit and avoid accidents, people on the road or who live near parking spots can take this advice and spread a little goodwill and good sense going into 2022.

Navigating Parking Safely During the Holiday Rush

The bulk of our focus goes to drivers themselves, since they’re the ones searching for hard-to-find spots. One key thing to remember is, especially in parking lots, people come and go so frequently that you’re bound to find something. Beyond that, be mindful of the following:

Keep calm and drive on: Don’t obsess over finding a spot, or make sudden stops if you see someone leaving. Drive safely and predictably, and slow down gradually.

Be willing to walk: The closer to a busy destination, the more competition for spots. Find a safe place to park within comfortable walking distance. Walking is also a good way to keep warm and fit, so it’s a win-win.

They’re walking here!: Watch carefully for pedestrians when pulling into or out of a parking spot. Do not “stalk” people returning to their cars — politely asking if you can follow them to their spot is acceptable.

No, for real, keep calm: Avoid road-rage at all costs. If other people want to honk and curse and spot-steal, that’s on them. Escalating tense situations with strangers is never a good idea.

Arrive Alive: If you’re planning on having a drink or two… or three, plan ahead and call a rideshare service. If you must drive, and plan to drink, don’t be afraid to leave your car overnight and come back for it.

Residential Considerations for Easing Parking Stress

December is a frequent time for parties in residential neighborhoods and suburbs, and residents can take steps to reduce drivers’ stress as they’d like others to do for them. If possible, park all your vehicles in your own driveway rather than taking up street parking. If you live in an area that gets snow and you’ve got the energy, get rid of evening snowfalls blocking street spaces when you shovel your driveway, especially if street cleaners miss it. Every little bit of reduced aggravation is one less chance a tipsy reveler doesn’t sour the season for everyone.

Utilizing Available Parking Spaces for Holiday Visitors

Finally, owners of parking lots and structures can make their unused spaces available for holiday visitors. With office buildings emptied out for the holidays (assuming everyone isn’t already working remotely) and entire families of residents off visiting relatives, building owners can open their facilities to create more holiday parking. Apps can even let people make appointments for such spots, taking vehicles out of the scramble for places to stop. As with all things in the festive season, a bit of planning and generosity makes that holiday cup of Starbucks all the more satisfying.

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The Spacer Technologies content team is a dedicated group of writers and experts with a deep-rooted passion for the sharing economy.

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